If you think there is nothing you can do to save the world's beautiful wildlife, think again. You don't have to be a conservationist to make a difference! Here are some great tips on what you as an individual can do to help.

Preservation of natural habitats

Grasslands, rivers and forests are natural habitats for many animals, including birds and insects. When these habitats are disturbed by pollution or man-made development, the organisms that live there are also at risk. You can help reduce the problem by becoming part of the solution by helping to preserve these precious habitats. Pick up litter, do your best to educate others about the importance of conservation and report any problems to the appropriate authorities.

Switch to environmentally friendly products

You can make an immediate and significant difference if you switch to environmentally friendly products. These products are not only a lifeline for the animal world, but also better for your own health.

Put out some bird feeders

Birds have difficulty finding food during the winter months. Be sure to feed the birds appropriately and ensure that food is not available to other animals, as this can often result in mammals becoming dependent on humans for food and unable to forage for themselves in the wild.


The lack of recycling and reuse has a detrimental effect on many natural habitats and thus on wildlife. For greener lifestyle, recycling should be at the top of your list. In addition to recycling, you should also strive to reduce the amount of waste generated.
A great way to do this is to eat less processed food, which is usually sold in packaging that is often impossible to reuse or recycle. With this, you can do a lot for the environment and for your own health!

Avoid buying new clothes in retail stores. Go to a thrift store or a charity shop instead. Always think twice before throwing away your existing clothes. Is it still in good enough condition to give away? Can you reuse it somehow? A pair of ripped old jeans can be made into a pair of trendy new shorts.

Big changes can only be achieved with small, consistent changes. You can start to be more environmentally conscious today!