If you want to make your business more sustainable in 2022 and get out of the current economic crisis, reducing business waste is a great place to start. Even if you think you already have an effective waste reduction strategy in place, a closer examination can help you identify further opportunities for improvement. By reducing business waste, your business can still benefit from it. You can reduce your costs, attract new environmentally friendly customers and encourage private households to follow your excellent example.

Review your green habits!  
By completing an environmental audit, you can review your current waste management and recycling efforts and potentially identify opportunities for improvement.

You may find that a lot of plastic simply ends up in general waste and is not recycled. You discover that certain appliances are unnecessarily left on overnight.
With this information, you can take a closer look at the root of the problem and find a greener solution. Keep in mind that this process has the potential to do much more than reduce waste. Many businesses find that it can also save them money, become more efficient, get certified and meet certain environmental regulations.

Think twice before pressing the "print" button.
Paper is indeed biodegradable, but that's no reason to waste it. It uses up valuable natural resources such as water, trees, and fossil fuels, emits huge amounts of pollution into the Earth's atmosphere, and produces significant amounts of waste. That is why, wherever possible, avoid printing documents and think more about creative, digital solutions.

Buy only what you need
Many businesses struggle with excess stock. They can't shift it or have to throw it away because it expires before they can be used. According to Grocer, supermarkets and growers throw away a staggering 100,000 tonnes of food every year in the UK alone.

This unnecessary waste has a huge impact on the planet: it uses up valuable raw materials, fossil fuels, time, energy, and causes emissions that further worsen the condition of the Earth. That's why you should consider how you can organize your stock so nothing goes to waste.
It can also increase the demand for your product or service and you can charge a higher price if necessary.